

See Also:
in doing 74.15 In doing we test.
special doing 6.74 That doing something special for yourself seems a positive access.
wrong doing 6.74 To make things worse, there are always the wicked who want to expose others' mistakes and wrong doings.
about doing 3.37 If I were a superman, the foremost thing I would think about doing is to conceal my identity and live a normal life.
due doing 3.37 I will be unceasingly granted the privilege of acquiring the level of intelligence, my standard of excellence, moral correctness and wrong doings due to the sensible training of a university.
human doing 3.37 To be honest, there are also many other reasons that lead human doing the research in the Mars.
individual doing 3.37 And I am surprised to find that many students are sleeping on the desk, sending text messages or playing games on their mobile phones, surfing the Internet for bargains or chatting online rather than reading or doing individual studies.
necessary doing 3.37 On the contrary, there are many students using ruses to avoid assignments, manipulating teachers to do the work for them and doing as little as necessary to pass the tests.
worthwhile doing 3.37 When asked about whether we humans should explore outer spaces, the majority of people and scientists believe that it is worthwhile doing further efforts and we have already gotten some grades by exploring the Moon and Mars.